2021 Crystal Ball engl / srp 2020 My Corona engl / srp 2017 Hopelessness engl 2016 Only Mine Alone engl / srp 2015 Impasse engl 2014 Streamlined engl / srp 2013 Expose pdf engl / srp 2012 Come Quickly, My Happiness is at Stake engl
Theoretical writing
Archiving the contemporary art of dance in Serbia, Milica Ivić and Igor Koruga, in: Authonomy to Dance - Case studies of contemporary dance practices in former Yugoslavia, Maska Performing Arts Journal, Ljubljana; pdf
What is contemporary dance (in Serbia) - a handbook, Jovana Rakić, Igor Koruga, Marko Milić, Marijana Cvetković, Station Service for contemporary dance, Belgrade; pdf
Choreography as an analytical tool for interpreting society in the context of theatre, Walking Theory Journal no.21 "Social Choreography", Walking Theory, Belgrade; pdf
Patchwork on collaboration: Temporaries, Dušan Broćić, Ana Dubljević, Igor Koruga, Marko Milić, Jovana Rakić Kiselčić, Ljiljana Tasić, Art+Media Journal of Art and Media studies no.6, Belgrade; pdf
Patchwork on collaboration: Temporaries, Dušan Broćić, Ana Dubljević, Igor Koruga, Marko Milić, Jovana Rakić Kiselčić, Ljiljana Tasić, N.T.N.P., Stockholm/Weld; pdf
Some concept around Temporaries, Jacopo Lantieri with Marko Milić & Igor Koruga, in: Silke Bake and Jacopo Lantieri (eds.), "Audiences and communities? Between policies, marketing and true desires", Salzburg, SZENE in frame of the APAP network;
Hospitality in Performing Arts: A principle of negotiating the contexts of spectator and artist by choreography, University of Arts and HZT / Berlin; abstract.pdf
The role, contribution and competences of participants (students/tutors) in alternative educational models, Methodical days 2013COMPETENCES OF PRESCHOOL TEACHERS IN KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY, Preschool Teachers' Training College in Kikinda / Serbia; abstract.pdf
Artist’s Pledge by Igor Koruga, University of Arts & Inter-Centre for Dance Education, ZTB (Zeitgenössichertanz Berlin) e.V. Berlin;
Inkluzivno obrazovanje: Ja mogu!, Kampanja za inkluzivno obrazovanje Svi u školu, budućnost za sve, u nedeljni list „Prosvetni pregled”, Beograd; srp.pdf
Antropologija i umetnost, u “Antropologija za početnike”, Klub studenata etnologije i antropologije – KSEA, Beograd. (Anthropology and art, in 'Anthropology for beginners', Club of students of ethnology and anthropology - KSEA / Belgrade); abstract_pdf.ser/engl.