The starting desire in the creation of this dance performance is the question: in what way can archiving dance art be an artistic practice? The author's exploration of this desire takes place through a transgenerational creative exchange with six choreographers/directors/dancers/performers of the local independent dance scene: Nela Antonović, Anđelija Todorović, Jelena Jović, Tanja Pajović, Boris Čakširan, and Sanja Krsmanović Tasić. Together, these six artists are performers of this performance, that is, "archive in motion" - embodying insufficiently recorded notes of movements, experiences, memories, oral histories from their artistic works - at a time when there is no official institutional framework for archiving the local dance scene. Through the transgenerational (self) questioning of physical, social, emotional, economic, ideological and other (mostly invisible) vulnerabilities behind their cultural and artistic work and practice, the tactics, principles, (re)positioning and contradictions of their self-sustainability also being reexamined as a form of resistance, criticism and togetherness in the turbulent socio-political circumstances of work and life during the last forty years. What do Antonović, Todorović, Jović, Pajović, Čakširan and Krsmanović Tasić have to say about all this from today's perspective (artistically and personally)? What do their bodies carry and hide? In what ways is the impermanence of archiving particular time and history reflected through the impermanence of the artistic performance itself (dance)? How does dance art (of the independent scene) survive as a relevant social, cultural and political tool for reshaping the social body? The desire to make solid history will for sure end up in failure. The only question is, for whom?
Polazna želja u kreiranju ove plesne predstave jeste pitanje: na koji način arhiviranje plesne umetnosti može biti umetnička praksa? Autorovo istraživanje ove želje odvija se kroz transgeneracijsku kreativnu razmenu sa šest koreografa/reditelja/plesača/izvođača lokalne nezavisne plesne scene: Nelom Antonović, Anđelijom Todorović, Jelenom Jović, Tanjom Pajović, Borisom Čakširanom, i Sanjom Krsmanović Tasić. Ovih šest umetnika zajedno, izvođači su predstave, odnosno „arhive u pokretu“ – oteljovljujući nedovoljno zabeležene zapise kretanja, doživljaja, sećanja, oralnih istorija iz njihovih umetničkih opusa - u trenutku kada ne postoji zvaničan institucionalni okvir arhiviranja lokalne plesne scene. Kroz transgeneracijsko (samo)propitivanje fizičkih, društvenih, emocionalnih, ekonomskih, ideoloških i drugih (uglavnom nevidljivih) ranjivosti iza njihovog kulturno-umetničkog rada i prakse, preispituju se ujedno i taktike, principi, (re)pozicioniranja i kontradiktornosti njihove samoodrživosti kao oblika otpora, kritike i zajedništva u turbulentnim društveno-političkim okolnostima rada i života tokom poslednjih četredeset godina. Šta o svemu tome iz današnje perspektive imaju da kažu (umetnički i lično) Antonović, Todorović, Jović, Pajović, Čakširan i Krsmanović Tasić? Šta nose i kriju njihova tela? Na koje načine se nestalnost arhiviranja jednog vremena i istorije odražava kroz nestalnost same umetničke izvedbe (predstavu)? Kako plesna umetnost (nezavisne scene) opstaje kao relevantno društveno, kulturološko i političko sredstvo za re- i pre-oblikovanje društvenog tela? Želja da se napravi čvrsta istorija, sigurno se završava neuspehom. Pitanje je samo, za koga?
Authorship and choreography:
Igor Koruga
Nela Antonović, Anđelija Todorović, Jelena Jović, Tatjana Pajović, Boris Čakširan, and Sanja Krsmanović Tasić;
Milica Ivić
Luka Mejdžor
Spinning dress design and wig making:
Boris Čakširan
Lighting design:
Boris Butorac
Marko Pejović, Filip Perić
Production: Marijana Cvetković
Graphic design:
Mane Radmanović
Vladimir Opsenica
Video documentation:
Nemanja Stojanović
Nevena Delić
Stanica Service for contemporary dance
with the support of the Dance On, Pass On, Dream On project,
the Creative Europe program and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia
Cultural Center Magacin, Bitef Theater
Igor Koruga
Nela Antonović, Anđelija Todorović, Jelena Jović, Tatjana Pajović, Boris Čakširan, and Sanja Krsmanović Tasić;
Milica Ivić
Luka Mejdžor
Spinning dress design and wig making:
Boris Čakširan
Lighting design:
Boris Butorac
Marko Pejović, Filip Perić
Production: Marijana Cvetković
Graphic design:
Mane Radmanović
Vladimir Opsenica
Video documentation:
Nemanja Stojanović
Nevena Delić
Stanica Service for contemporary dance
with the support of the Dance On, Pass On, Dream On project,
the Creative Europe program and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia
Cultural Center Magacin, Bitef Theater
DoPoDo is a four-year cooperation project financed by Creative Europe, a program of the European Union, in which STANICA service for contemporary dance is one of the partner organizations. The goal of the project is to point out the possibilities and scope of work in contemporary dance, which resists the repressive model of the youthful body as the reference body of dance. The project affirms dance as a cultural heritage, promotes the dance practices of dancers and choreographers of mature age (and thus the dance experience on Serbian soil) and makes them more accessible and visible to the artistic community and society as a whole. |
DoPoDo je četvorogodišnji projekat saradnje koji finansira Kreativna Evropa, program Evropske unije, a na kome je STANICA servis za savremeni ples jedna od partnerskih organizacija. Cilj projekta je da se ukaže na mogućnosti i domete rada u savremenom plesu, koji se odupire represivnom modelu mladalačkog tela kao referentnog tela plesa. Projekat afi rmiše ples kao kulturno nasleđe, promoviše plesne prakse igrača i koreografa zrele životne dobi (te samim time i plesno iskustvo na tlu Srbije) i čini ih dostupnijim i vidljivijim umetničkoj zajednici i društvu u celini. |