Practice what you Pitch!
with and by: Igor Koruga & Ana Dubljevic
support: Workspace Brussels - Rosas Studios - PARTS || Brussels, Uferstudios || Berlin, adaStudio || Berlin, Tanzstpendium Berlin Senat || Berlin.
Practice what you Pitch! is a pitch-performance designed within artistic research project Tell them about the dream!
Pitching is an opportunity for artists and producers to make their ideas become a reality: the flash point from where tours are booked, commissions are dreamed up, residencies secured and relationships struck. Pitch-performance is a performing arts piece that is made, done and works as a pitch.
Pitching is an opportunity for artists and producers to make their ideas become a reality: the flash point from where tours are booked, commissions are dreamed up, residencies secured and relationships struck. Pitch-performance is a performing arts piece that is made, done and works as a pitch.